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Databases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

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Databases - Essay Example

Stephens (2010) defines a database simply as a tool that stores data. Stephens further notes that the database gives one the opportunity to create, read, delete and update information somehow. In this sense, Stephens include filing cabinets, the brain and notebooks as databases. With regard to computer science and information technology, a database is generally defined as an organized collection of information in digital form such that a computer program can fast chose the data pieces that are desired (Connolly and Begg (2002). A database may be made for one or more purposes and may be though of as an electronic filing system. Traditionally, databases may be organized by files, records and fields. A file in this respect is a set of records, a field represents one piece of information while a record represents a complete set of fields Types of Databases Different organizations and experts categorize databases differently. Some experts categorize database types as analytic databases and operational databases.